Nobody exists in a vacuum. There is constant interplay between you, people, communities, identities, and society. This is called The Space Between.
If we want to make an improvement in any part of our life or community, the deepest fundamental change we can take is in our mindset is to become acutely aware of our Space Between - with ourselves, with our environment, with the people around us.
The Space Between is all about examining how all of our parts interact together. It’s about distinguishing and clarifying the boundaries between systems, and how we personally fit into all of them.
The purpose of The Space Between is to appreciate you in your systems as an interconnected whole. Together, we will broaden your perspective of your situation by zooming in and zooming out to different viewpoints and mapping out solutions for systematic incremental improvements.
The Space Between is constantly changing and being changed, therefore can never be totally known or understood. Causation isn’t clear nor predictable and often can feel chaotic and unmanageable.
Together, we will make desired changes more understandable and actionable through application of a wide range of lenses and theories. We will gain clearer understanding of how humans and their organizations can play a role in transforming complex systems. Together, we will gain a clearer understanding of the role we play within our organizations can make these concepts simpler and more accessible to those ready, willing and able to meet the moment.
Let's become finely attuned to where you are right now (As-is state) and your desired ideal state (To-be state). We can dip into the past for information, but keeping an eye on our ideal future state helps keep us aligned with our North Star.
How does insight change the space between your intentions and actions, your strategy and execution, your interactions with the people around you?
How healthy is your space between you and your boss? Your partner? Different parts of yourself?
What can you do to improve the space between your co-workers, your teams, your past-and-future selves?
What does the space look like between where you are now and where you want to be? What do you really want to do with your strengths, vision, and ambition?
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